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Films on Palestine/Israel

Still from Five Broken Cameras, by Emad Burnat and Guy Davidi

The current events in Palestine have prompted a large number of filmmakers to make their films about Palestine available to watch online for free, in addition to films previously available. Here is a non-exhaustive list of documentaries and feature films that look at the past and present of Palestine and the Israeli occupation.



On Gaza

The documentary film Gaza Struggles for Freedom is a documentary about the historic Great March Of Return protests, which occurred every week from March 2018 until December 2019. 1:23 hours, English.

The documentary Occupation 101, English.


On historic context

The Creation and the Nakba 1948, 1:25 h, Arabic and English with English subtitles.

The Shadow of Absence, 1:30h, Arabic with English subtitles.

In Search of Palestine, with the academic Edward Said on the Oslo Accords, ongoing ethnic cleansing, and other topics, 50 min.


On the occupied West Bank

Jenin Jenin is a documentary on the Israeli invasion and military operation in Jenin in 2001. 53 min, Arabic with English subtitles.

Five Broken Cameras, 1:26h, Arabic with English subtitles.

The Mayor looks at what it takes to be the mayor of Ramallah. Documentary, Vice, 2:13h, Arabic with English subtitiles.

Until When shows the everyday of four families in Dscheisha refugee camp after the Second Intifada, 1:15 h, Arabic with English subtitles.


Naji Al-Ali is an artist with a vision, on Palestinian political cartoonist Naji Al-Ali, assassinated in 1987, English.

As the Poet Said, 58 min, Arabic with English subtitles.

Keffiyeh, documentary on Palestinian music scene, 15 min,  English with Arabic subtitles.

Hip Hop Slinger, Documentary on hip hop in Palestine, 1:26h, Arabic with English and Portuguese subtitles.

Tal Al-Zaatar, on the siege and massacre in the Tel Al-Zaatar refugee camp in Beirut, 1:11h, Arabic with English subtitles.

Al-Fawqa Gate, on the Israeli occupation of the town of Saida in Southern Lebanon, Arabic with English subtitles.

Tell me, bird, on Palestinian women guerilla fighters in the 70ies, Arabic with English subtitles.



Al Jazeera has dozens of documentaries on Youtube in different languages. Here, here and here you can find about 40 films about Palestine that were broadcast on Al Jazeera Documentary, as well as more current videos on their Youtube Channel.

On Gaza

Scenes from the Occupation in Gaza, 13 min, Arabic.

Al Jazeera The Memory Keeper حارس الذاكرة 53 min.

Al Jazeera An Empty Seat مقعد خال 49 min.

The resistance pilot, الزواري.. طيار المقاومة 49 min

On the occupied west bank

Arna’s Children by Juliano Mer Khamis, Arabic and Hebrew.



They Don't Exist 25 min, Arabic with English subtitles.



The Olive Tree by the French Cinema Group.


Fiction films



Strawberry, 13 min, Arabic with English subtitles.

The Place, Arabic with English subtitles.


Feature-length films

Heaven Now, Arabic with English subtitles.

Salt of this Sea, 1:45h, Arabic with English subtitles.

The Remaining Time, 1:50h, Arabic.

Further films

A large group of Palestinian films that were released on the Palestine Films website to document the Palestinian film:


More than 300 documentary films

25 Feature films

Five animated films

A collection of Palestinian films, some of which are available for free.

A collection of short films by Palestinian female directors.